Hope > Hate

Lord, I am tired. I am tired of all of this hate. I do not appreciate that while we wait, our nation continues to seal its fate. Ignorance and foolishness abounds and makes sounds that grate. These sounds of hate.

God, I am weary. I’m weary of our political leaders, our police and our citizens. This world is full of sin. And as the din of strife and rage close in, I cannot help but wonder what You think.

We are a people who have turned away. And while we stray there is still hope in Your Way. This is not the Hope of Obama or Kennedy or Lincoln or Washington. This is not a hope in the Constitution or the “American Dream” whatever that must mean.

This Hope transcends. It kick-started when Jesus ascended. So why do we pretend that everything offends, yet do nothing? Why indeed Lord?

This Hope is real. This Hope can heal. This Hope is in You: The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. This is our only ticket out of this mess that we are in that swirls in Sin. We cannot just mail this life in. We must stand and let your Love and Peace win.

But Lord hasten the day that You set this Earth right. God only You can restore what millions ignore – this world that snores while evil roars. Thank you for Your Love and for Heaven Above that we can enter one day. We don’t deserve it, yet you preserve it for us. Lord, I am tired.

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