More Than Conquerors


More Than Conquerors

Romans 8:37 of the Bible talks about how we are “more than conquerors through him who loved us.” What does that mean? Well I am no Biblical scholar by any stretch of the imagination. But I will share what I am learning in life, what scripture says, and will try to put them together in an effort to make sense of this in a very broken world.

Life has plenty of ups and downs. Plenty of pain pervades our lives. We try to hide it. Look at Instagram, Facebook and Twitter feeds. Even LinkedIn typically puts that best version of “self” out there. Winning is a hashtag. Few times do people go out of their way to broadcast a “loss” in life to the rest of the world. We’d rather hide it as if it rarely happened to us. Where’s the honesty? Let’s be real. We experience losses regularly. The loss of a loved one, losing a game, losing a stolen bike, losing a job opportunity and the list could go on and on.

Amidst the pain of any loss, it can be hard to see a silver lining. We try to look on the bright side. Lately I have grieved the loss of friends that have moved away and sometimes I can lose hope even. Sometimes I just think I can move on mentally and be ok too if it’s a particularly tough loss. The good news is that there is hope for us.

That hope is that God is for us. As Romans 8:31 says, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” We have the gift of His Son, who has redeemed us. Only He can set right this world full of loss, pain and heartache. We can take comfort in that we can be more than conquerors, because Christ has conquered sin, death, and all the other corruption we could ever think of. It’s done. Over. Donezo.

So next time you experience a “loss” in life, remember you are not a loser. You are more than a conqueror if you have faith in the ultimate Conqueror: Jesus Christ.

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