The Bond of Family

Ab and Nate in Scotland

Back in the Fall of 2010, I was at a crossroads in life. I was restless. I was discontent. I’d worked hard in my job as a Broker for a well-known brokerage firm for the first three years out of college, and I had done reasonably well. But I needed a new challenge: a new adventure. I yearned for more. I have always loved to travel and desired to see more of the world. Also I love my sister, which lead to an opportunity.

My sister, Abigail pictured, was teaching abroad in Scotland that Fall. This was my perfect chance. I could have an adventure in Scotland and the UK and visit my sister at once! So I set out on an adventure back to our Skinner family roots in England and Scotland.

Three things I will cherish and never forget from that wonderful trip. The first was the feeling of seeing my sister when I met her in Edinburgh, Scotland. After previously traveling through London and Dublin, Ireland, I was tired. I remember navigating through airports, trains and buses to get to her. Finally on the cobblestone streets of Edinburgh in a completely distant far-away place, I saw my sister. I remember just this feeling of awe inspired joy. It was the bond of family that is so powerful. Words cannot do it justice. But it felt so wonderful to see a face I knew so well: my dear sister’s.

My second moment on that trip that I will never forget was how amazing of an ancient city Edinburgh was. I felt like I had gone back in time roaming the streets with buildings and taverns that were hundreds of years old, yet well-maintained. I remember hearing Scotsmen in the bars singing traditional chants about hating the British and loving freedom. Ah, it was refreshing and wonderful. Perched atop a hill overlooking this exquisite masterpiece of a city is a castle. Ab and I were able to explore it and find a landmark on the way entitled Skinner’s Close.

My third and final excellent memory from this once-in-a-lifetime trip was on bicycle. Abigail was teaching for the day. And her kind host family let me borrow a bike and explore the countryside near Rosemarkie, Scotland. As I rode through beautiful green rolling hills, I looked out upon lighthouses, beautiful bays, and even sheep farms. With the Scottish fresh air at my back, I thought to myself: this just feels right. This is where I am supposed to be. I even thought about how Abigail and I’s ancestors might have looked out upon similar scenery in England or Scotland. It was a moment I will never forget. I felt God in that moment. It was transcendent. I felt veritably blessed and am to have experienced it.

I hope everyone gets to take a pilgrimage back to the land of their ancestors. I hope others can share a bond with their siblings like I have with my awesome sister. I hope you can experience God’s hand in moments like these.


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2 Responses to The Bond of Family

  1. abigail says:

    well said, Skinns. Couldn’t-a-said-it better myself. Thank you for remembering.

  2. Dan Skinner says:

    Nato, believe it or not while you and Ab were enjoying being together far from home, your mom and I were just as excited thinking about you two. That’s a strong bond! Reminds me of a hymn . . .
    “Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love;
    The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above.”
    Love, Dad

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